воскресенье, 30 августа 2015 г.

more than 50 countries have submitted INDCs

Dear Colleague,

I’m emailing to let you know about a new World Resources Institute blog about how countries are addressing fairness and ambition considerations in their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs).

So far, more than 50 countries have submitted INDCs. The INDCs take a variety of approaches to describing the fairness and ambition of their contributions, though some common themes are also emerging.  The new WRI INSIDER blog,How Transparent Have Countries Been About the Fairness and Ambition of their National Climate Contributions (INDCs)? explores the information countries have provided, identifying trends as well as gaps.


WRI’s blog and our otherpublications and tools describe the ways in which countries can provide key information to increase transparency about the fairness and ambition of their contributions.

Please feel free to share your thoughts onthis blog, and we look forward to engaging with you further as we move closer to COP 21 in Paris.


David Waskow

David Waskow
Director, International Climate Action Initiative
World Resources Institute

Direct:+1 202-729-7735  |  Mobile: +1 202 361-4540
dwaskow@wri.org  |  Skype: davidwaskow  |  Twitter: @davidwaskow

WRI is a global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being.

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