четверг, 10 ноября 2016 г.

[can-eecca] Fwd: COP22 Invitation: Civil society solutions for the Paris Agreement & SDGs (November 14, Marrakesh)


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From: Action for Sustainable Development <info@action4sd.org>
Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 1:59 PM
Subject: COP22 Invitation: Civil society solutions for the Paris Agreement & SDGs (November 14, Marrakesh)
To: dr.aytakin@gmail.com

The Paris Agreement & Sustainable Development Goals:
Solutions to Guarantee that No One is Left Behind

Monday 14 November
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Location: Amplitheater 2, University of Marrakesh
Marrakesh Morocco

-See also complementary event on 17 November at COP Conference Centre-

On the sidelines of the climate change conference of the parties (COP22), Action for Sustainable Development is convening an event to look at how the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement are connected and built on the same fundamental commitment to ´Leave No One Behind´.
Climate action impacts all 17 SDG. They are interrelated and together the two UN frameworks from 2015 form one coherent roadmap for sustainable development, which address the economic, social and environmental needs of 7 billion people. 
This event will provide insights on how to engage civil society in the design and delivery of these commitments at the international, national and local level. In particular, representatives from civil society will present a series of innovative solutions and programs that are already making a meaningful difference on the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement. We will also discuss climate justice issues, presenting challenges and demands from marginalised and impoverished communities at the forefront of climate change impacts.
Join us on fostering grassroots solutions for climate change and the SDGs!

More info at www.action4sd.org | Twitter @Action4SD | Email info@action4sd.org

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CIVICUS · 24 Gwigwi Mwrebi Street · Newtown · Johannesburg, Gauteng 2001 · South Africa

Best Regards, 
Aytakin Asgarova 

coordinator of "Climate Change & Development" NGO Alliance
Baku, Azerbaijan
Cell: (+994 50) 546 10 77
Skype: aytakin.asgarova

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